Mission Statement The voice of freight and transit rail suppliers for Canadian and worldwide markets, linking industry, government and communities locally and globally.
Vision Statement To be a globally recognized association promoting dialogue, innovation and solutions for the freight and transit railway industry.
Who We Are
The Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers (CARS) has been around for many years but incorporated in its current form in 1991 representing companies selling products and services to railways and transits domestically and internationally.
CARS represents over 155 companies who are important to the operations of the railways and transit authorities.
We are located in all parts of Canada and the United States, but clusters can be found in Ontario, Quebec and Alberta. The three most frequently provided products are locomotive components, freight car components and track equipment.
CARS is a member driven, non-profit association of companies that supply products and services to Canadian railways and export markets. Our membership includes a wide variety of large, medium and small businesses. As an advocacy group we promote a competitive frame work for research and development and the vitality and importance of the rail supply sector and railways in Canada.
For over 100 years, the Canadian railway manufacturing and supply industries have served customers around the globe, not only in the design and manufacture of rolling stock, maintenance of way equipment, signals and communications equipment, and related goods and services, but also with the expertise offered by Canadian consulting engineers, construction companies, and other highly skilled workers employed by the industry.
The railway industry continues to demonstrate tremendous growth domestically and internationally. The Canadian Class 1's, short line railways and transits will continue to require billions worth of rail products and services. Access to these opportunities and others internationally is crucial for railway suppliers across the country.
Government decisions that shape legislation and budgets will greatly impact these rail expenditures. CARS' aims to influence the decision makers in favour of growing a vibrant, competitive rail supply industry, and promote its importance to Canada.
What We Do
CARS helps the membership maximize their business opportunities by opening doors in the industry and at the government level both foreign and domestic.
We serve as a conduit to ensure that up-to-date information on contracts and procurements, timely news items and events are available that would be of benefit to both the members and the industry as a whole.
CARS also plays a vital role in helping to influence decisions that are made in Ottawa and in the provinces that affect the rail industry.
Our members and government relations staff meet regularly with members of parliament from all parties, as well as senior policy advisors and civil servants, to inform and deliver a clear message. Government needs to take an active interest in helping Canada's railway suppliers be more competitive.
CARS and its Board of Directors are committed to remaining vigilant in bringing forth its message to Government and continuing to provide value to its members.