Rail is the most energy efficient way of moving people and goods and is already a better environmentally friendly choice for transportation, with trains accounting for far fewer harmful emissions than other forms of transport. The results of studies conducted on train energy efficiency indicate that one freight train could replace 300 highway trucks. The introduction of electric locomotives would proactively evolve into one of the most environmentally efficient, utilizing renewable energy sources, mode of transportation for the future.
The rail supply sector is committed to the transformative, long-term change required to make significant reductions in harmful emissions through new and innovative emissions-reducing technologies, many designed and manufactured by our member companies, to help railroads further reduce harmful emissions, and help the Canadian government meet its environmental targets.
According to the AAR, moving freight by rail is 4 times more fuel efficient than moving freight on the highway. Freight trains can move a ton of freight approximately 492 miles on a single gallon of fuel. Efficient use of fuel means fewer greenhouse gas emissions for our planet.1
The need for public transit and environmental consciousness go hand in hand. Public transit is the backbone of livable urban communities. Public transportation can help metropolitan areas meet national air quality standards by reducing overall vehicle emissions and the pollutants that create smog.2 Better transit means less congestion, faster commutes, more convenience, higher productivity and lower emissions. Simply put: public transit builds better lives. A recent study revealed that 1.5 million Canadians spend more than 2 hours commuting daily; households could save up to $10K annually, by using public transit in lieu of personal vehicle; and in Canada transit ridership increased by 20% between 2007 and 2017.3
The federal government faces many challenges in their efforts to meet environmental goals in addressing issues in the transportation sector, including urban transit, whilst ensuring continued economic growth. More could be done to encourage investment in new technologies. The Canadian rail/transit supply sector is ready and poised to be on the vanguard of the government's efforts.
1 Association of American Railroads, http://www.aar.org/
3 https://fcm.ca/en/focus-areas/public-transit/building-better-public-transit