Member Benefits
Member Services
Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers (CARS) is the only national trade and advocacy association representing rail suppliers for rail freight and transit solely focused on the Canadian market.
With a head office in Ottawa, CARS provides a comprehensive suite of programs and services for it's members; helping to expand member profiles and business opportunities with the key customers and stakeholders within the rail and transit industries.
Board of Directors
CARS is a member-driven association as reflected by our board of directors. The board is led by companies from North America representing suppliers and manufacturers of all sizes and sectors selling to both the rail freight and transit markets.
Join a Committee
In an effort to provide better value to our members, the Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers (CARS) Board of Directors and select members of the association formed committees to target specific goals that they deemed would be crucial to CARS members. These goals are based on an overall strategy for the association from feedback received from several surveys and direct contact from our members.
At the present time we have 4 active committees;
- Government Relations Committee
- International Trade Committee
- CARS Scholarship Committee
- Membership and Marketing Committee
To join a committee, please contact info@railwaysuppliers.ca
Conferences, Trade show, Workshops & Industry Meetings
Our flagship event is the National Railway Day Conference held annually to commemorate the day the last spike was driven into the Canadian Pacific Railway at Craigellachie, British Columbia in 1885. This conference brings suppliers, railways and government together to celebrate our exciting industry. Mark your calendar today!
The CARS Annual Golf Tournament will take place at the prestigious Beaconsfield Golf Club in Pointe-Claire, Quebec.
For details on any of our events contact info@railwaysuppliers.ca
Publications & Web Site
CARS provides members with the most important and timely communications in the Canadian rail industry.
With our daily email, Canada's Inside Track, be on top of the news and opportunities in the rail freight and transit sectors. Produced by CARS for members-only, you will receive a daily brief on news that is important to you detailing activities and current stories in the Canadian rail industry.
Launched in 2012, our semi-annual trade magazine, Inside Track, is Canada's first professional publication focused on rail issues and opportunities from a supplier´s perspective. Members-only will be featured in the Buyer´s Guide within every issue. The circulation list includes industry executives and procurement leaders, government officials, and the supplier community at large. Advertising opportunities are available.
Launching a new product or service, winning an important contract or becoming a new member? We will profile your company on our website home page.
Members-Only Web Site. The members-only section provides exclusive access to a calendar of key events in the industry, market intelligence and procurement opportunities.
Profile your company in the #1 online Railway Supplier Directory in Canada.
CARS International Business Development Programs
CARS helps lead international business development trips to various emerging markets/countries. You will have the opportunity to join these trade missions under the Canadian banner.
Government Relations and Member Services
Our helpful membership services staff in Ottawa are there to provide personalized service to our members. They regularly provide guidance on how to access R&D & employment tax credits, navigate government agencies and departments and provide contacts on who to talk to at BDC, EDC and the Canadian Commercial Corporation.
CARS Scholarship Fund
Amount: Up to $5000 distributed at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee
Objective: To establish an internally managed Scholarship Fund in the name of the Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers to be known as the CARS Scholarship Fund.
Purpose of Fund: To provide monetary assistance to one or more current members and immediate family (spouse, child, grandchild) to continue education in the rail industry or one or more students in a given school year to promote the rail industry by providing assistance to students focused on pursuing a rail road career.
Such student(s) will be engaged in an educational pursuit involving direct application of their chosen discipline to the railway industry.
Eligibility: The scholarship is open to students undertaking a University Degree or College. Diploma in a discipline that will ultimately benefit the rail industry. Such
applicant must be:
- A member of the Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers in good standing for two or more consecutive years; or
- A family member (spouse, child, grandchild) of a member of the Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers in good standing for two or more consecutive years
Exclusions: The Scholarship Fund is NOT open to the following individuals and their family members:
- Members of the CARS Executive from the current and previous year
- CARS Past Presidents for a period of two years following their presidency
- Members of the CARS Board of Directors
- Members of the CARS Scholarship Committee
Criteria: The Scholarship Committee shall review and grade all applications for scholarship award. Grading will be accomplished under the following guidelines with committee discretion:
- All scholarships shall be awarded for one (1) scholastic year
- All Applicants must be registered and in good standing in a
recognized educational institute
- Students must meet the prescribed eligibility requirements
- Students must supply three educational references whose contact particulars are to be provided; these references should be accessible and may expect to be contacted
Process: The Scholarship Committee shall apply the following process and schedule, unless conditions exist that require a change, to ensure the Objective and Purpose of the Scholarship Fund are attained.
TheCanadian Association of Railway Suppliers website will provide all pertinent information regarding the Scholarship Fund.
The Scholarship Committee will meet within one month, following the Annual General Meeting.
The Scholarship Committee will ensure the Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers website is displaying the current information. The number and value of the scholarship awards will be announced on an annual basis to ensure that all applicants are aware and that transparency and award fairness prevail.
Applicants will use the prescribed forms, as found on the Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers website.
Applicants will submit their application prior to April 30th of any given year.
All applicants must ensure completeness. The Scholarship Committee will not seek missing documentation.
The Scholarship Committee may seek clarification of any application as it sees fit.
Please note that the scholarship fund is awarded on the sole discretion of CARS and available funding.
If you wish to apply for the scholarship please click here
For French Version click here