Exhibiting in 2021: Navigating the Uncertainty & Getting the best out of your Booth

Exhibiting in 2021: Navigating the Uncertainty & Getting the best out of your Booth

February 11, 2021

See what a show coordinator and fellow exhibitors are doing to prepare for events during the uncertain times of a pandemic.
Learn how others are planning to exhibit at Railway Interchange and other trade shows, and see how exhibitors and show organizers can work together to host successful events this year. 



Amanda Patrick, VP Trade Shows, Programs & Board Relations, Railway Supply Institute

Sue Hansen, Senior Marketing Specialist, ZTR Control Systems

Leslie Czernik, Marketing Communications Manager, Hotstart Thermal Management 


Open for CARS and RSI members only. 

There is no fee for this event, it is included in membership benefits

To claim your spot, please email Hayley Heaslip, Members & Events Coordinator, at hayley_heaslip@railwaysuppliers.ca