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Latest News

This page presents developments that relate to issues examined by CARS.

Ottawa's city council sworn in with music and Timmy's

Ottawa's city council sworn in with music and Timmy's

Ottawa’s new city council was sworn in Monday night at a music-filled ceremony at Centrepointe Theatre.... To view full article please click here

Canadian manufacturing PMI steady, exports jump in November

Canadian manufacturing PMI steady, exports jump in November

TORONTO Dec 1 (Reuters) - The pace of growth in the Canadian manufacturing sector.... To view full article please click here

CETA's fate may hinge on outcome of EU-Singapore trade ratification

CETA's fate may hinge on outcome of EU-Singapore trade ratification

The fate of Canada’s landmark trade agreement with the European Union, known as CETA... To view full article please click here

A bolder Canada finally gets global trade right

A bolder Canada finally gets global trade right

Those who are old enough to remember the Canada-U.S. free-trade agreement negotiations... To view article please click here