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171 articles match your search, displaying matches 133 to 144...
Fun Fact Friday
In celebration of National Food Bank Day here is a Food Bank themed Fun Fact Friday! Did you know that... "This year, total food bank visits reported across the food bank...
Fun Fact Friday
Today for Fun Fact Friday we have a rubber duck themed fact! Did you know that... "In 1992, a cargo ship container tumbled into the North Pacific, dumping 28,000 rubber ducks...
Fun Fact Friday
In celebration of tomorrow's National Tooth Fairy Day here is a tooth fairy themed Fun Fact Friday! Did you know that... "Think the Vikings were too busy pillaging to...
Fun Fact Friday
In celebration of Creamsicle Day here is our frozen treat themed Fun Fact Friday! Did you know that... "This frozen dessert was invented by Frank Eppperson in 1905. He was...
Fun Fact Friday
In celebration of National Raspberries N’ Cream Day here is our avocado themed Fun Fact Friday! Did you know that... "Raspberries are perennial plants with canes that live...
Fun Fact Friday
In celebration of National Avocado Day here is our avocado themed Fun Fact Friday! Did you know that... "Speed up the ripening by placing too firm avocados in a paper bag...
Fun Fact Friday
With Summer in full swing, today we share some of Statistics Canada's facts about Summer! Did you know that... "4.21 L - The quantity of ice cream available for consumption...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of World Emoji Day here some facts about emojis! Did you know that... "In 2013, the word emoji was added to the Oxford English Dictionary. By 2015, it was in the...
Fun Fact Friday
Did you know that... "Under Canada’s Currency Act of 1985 , there are limits to how many coins can be used in a single transaction. Merchants can refuse your money if you try...
Fun Fact Friday
Did you know that Lego is the world's largest tire manufacturer? "When you think of the giant tire manufacturers, names like Goodyear, Firestone, and BFGoodrich probably come...
Fun Fact Friday
"Walt Disney was a railroad enthusiast. His love for trains was passed on by his uncle who had been a steam locomotive engineer. He also grew up in an era in which steam...
Fun Fact Friday
"In 1997, sixty years after the first box promised “dinner in seven minutes — no baking required,” we celebrated by making Kraft Dinner the top-selling grocery item in the...