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This page presents developments that relate to issues examined by CARS.
957 articles match your search, displaying matches 157 to 168...
"Artificial Intelligence to Increase Rail Track Safety"
"The railway is the number one mode of transportation for tackling the climate crisis without restricting the..." (Railway-News, 2021) Click here for full article References:...
"CTA announces grain crop-year index for CN, CP"
"The railway is the number one mode of transportation for tackling the climate crisis without restricting the..." (Progressive Railroading, 2021) Click here for full article...
"Canadian Pacific-Kansas City Southern: Industry constituents weigh in on the proposed merger"
"They were caught off guard — more so since the deal was announced over a weekend — but not stunned because..." (Stagl, 2021) Click here for full article References: Stagl,...
"CN-KCS Merger Proposal Tops 1,000 Supporters"
"Another 180 customers and stakeholders have submitted letters to CN in support of its proposed combination with..." (Luczak, 2021) Click here for full article References:...
"It will be full steam ahead for Saskatoon area excursion train once COVID restrictions relax"
"Preparations are in full swing to get ready for what is expected to be a busy summer, after last year's..." (Shynkaruk, 2021) Click here for full article References:...
"Toronto to purchases dozens of new streetcars from Thunder Bay Alstom plant"
"The city had already approved the purchase of 13 new streetcars from the Alstom plant in Thunder Bay back in..." ( Fox, 2021) Click here for full article References: Fox,...
Current Rail/Transit Bids
For current rail/transit bids, please click the link below: https://www.merx.com/English/NonMember.asp?WCE=Show&TAB=1&PORTAL=MERX&State=1&hcode=tAF08b5PaGBuUkl43CRDCg%3d%3d
"Extending Rail Life, With Precision"
"That’s why suppliers of grinding, milling and welding equipment and services are always fine-tuning and introducing new..." (Luczak, 2021) Click here for full article...
"CN orders 1,000 new high-capacity grain cars"
"CN has ordered 1,000 new generation, high-capacity grain hopper cars to help meet the growing..." (Progressive Railroading, 2021) Click here for full article References:...
"Rebirth of the Streetcar"
"Two centuries ago, before anyone had the idea of laying rails on the ground so wheels could run swiftly and smoothly over..." (Alan, 2021) Click here for full article...
"Amid Rising Railcar Demand, Who’s ‘Steeling’ the Show?"
"We favor Trinity Industries, Inc. (TRN), Wabtec Corp. (WAB), and The Greenbrier Companies (GBX), in..." (Elkott, 2021) Click here for full article References: Elkott, Matt....
"For the third consecutive year, VIA Rail is the most trusted transportation company"
"IA Rail Canada (VIA Rail) has been recognized as one of the most trusted companies in Canada in 2021 by the..." (VIA Rail, 2021) Click here for full article References: VIA...