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171 articles match your search, displaying matches 157 to 168...
Fun Fact Friday
Today's Cup of Tea: "The creation of teabags was an accident! A New York tea merchant began sending out samples in silk bags. The customers thought they should put the whole...
Fun Fact Friday
Human Body Facts: "As you breathe, most of the air is going in and out of one nostril. Every few hours, the workload shifts to the other nostril." (Long, 2019) "Goose bumps...
Fun Fact Friday
History of Sleep! "Before the 1800s, people had a "first" and "second sleep." They would sleep 3-4 hours, wake up for 2-3 hours to do some type of activity, then go back to...
Fun Fact Friday
A very handy fact! "There are no muscles in your fingers: Their function is controlled by muscles in your palms and arms." (Donvito, 2019) References Donvito, T. (2019,...
Fun Fact Friday
"Do you dream in black and white? If so, the chances are you are over 55 and were brought up watching a monochrome television set. New research suggests that the type of...
Fun Fact Friday
Canada fun fact! "Despite being a huge country, Canada has the fourth lowest population density in the world, with only three people living per square kilometre! Almost half...
Fun Fact Friday
The Ball Drop in Times Square on New Years Eve: "Time balls were actually invented to help sailors. Long before it was used on New Year's Eve, a ball on top of England's...
Fun Fact Friday
"Brocooli is a 'man-made' food. So human’s just engineered broccoli out of nowhere? Nope. Well, not exactly. Broccoli only came about after years and years of selective...
Fun Fact Friday
" Canadians are the biggest consumers of donuts and have the most donut shops per capita of any country in the world." (Liu, 2018) References: Liu, S. (2018, July 29). 24...
Fun Fact Friday
"The “Apology Act“, passed in 2009, is a direct result of Canada’s overuse of the word “sorry”. See, once upon a time, lawyers in court were probably able establish guilt...
Fun Fact Friday
“Canada’s lowest recorded temperature is as cold as Mars! The temperature of -63 C (-81.4 F) was in the small village of Snag on Feb. 3, 1947. That’s roughly the same...
Fun Fact Friday
Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from history. Spades - King David Clubs - Alexander the Great, Hearts - Charlemagne Diamonds - Julius Caesar....