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This page presents developments that relate to issues examined by CARS.

171 articles match your search, displaying matches 13 to 24...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of Telecommuter Appreciation Week, here is today's fun fact! Did you know that... "The first Telecommuter Appreciation Week was in 1993 by the American...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of St. Patrick’s Day, here is today's fun fact! Did you know that... "This momentous occasion has been celebrated in Canada since 1759, when the one of the first...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of International Bagpipe Day, here is today's fun fact! Did you know that... "Pipe-Major Archie Dewar is synonymous with the Pipes & Drums of the 48th Highlanders...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Employee Appreciation Day, here is today's fun fact! Did you know that... "According to the report, when employee recognition hits the mark, employees...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Snack Food Month, here is today's scrumptious fun fact! Did you know that... "63% of Canadian consumers say they prefer to eat many small meals...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Caregivers Day, here is today's fun fact! Did you know that... "Caregivers contribute $25 billion in unpaid labour to our health system..” (Carers...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Fun At Work Day, here is today's work fun fact! Did you know that... "Modern day widespread acceptance of umbrellas started to spread across the Europe...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Fun At Work Day, here is today's work fun fact! Did you know that... "Worried that office humor will lead to distraction? Studies show increased humor...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Cheese Day, here is today's cheesy fun fact! Did you know that... "A giant wheel of Cheddar cheese was given to Queen Victoria (1837-1901) for a wedding...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Technology Day, here is today's technological fun fact! Did you know that... "One Petabyte (PB) = 1024 (TB). To put this in perspective, a 50PB hard...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Rubber Ducky Day, here is today's quacky fun fact! Did you know that... "Rubber duckies help scientists. In 1992, three containers full of 29,000 rubber...
Fun Fact Friday
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Roots Day, here is today's well rooted fun fact! Did you know that... "When taking a DNA test, you and your siblings can have differing amounts of...