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171 articles match your search, displaying matches 61 to 72...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National No One Eats Alone Day, here is today's inventive fun fact! Did you know that... “When you eat alone, you’re more likely to eat standing up, you’re more...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Inventors’ Day, here is today's inventive fun fact! Did you know that... "Canadians contributed a few inventions, notably the first successful braking...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Wear Red Day, here is today's healthy fun fact! Did you know that... "According to the most recent data from 2012/13, about 2.4 million (8.5%) Canadian...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of Data Privacy Day, here is today's Cybersecurity fun fact! Did you know that... "Security experts created “Project HoneyTrain” as a simulated subway control...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Hug Day, here is today's warm fun fact! Did you know that... "One man is travelling across Canada to offer free hugs, and on Thursday he stopped at...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of Organize Your Home Day, here is today's well-organized fun fact! Did you know that... "Joseph Moxon, an English printer and mathematician, produced one of the...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of Old Rock Day, here is today's historical fun fact! Did you know that... "Canada, Australia and Greenland have been the top contenders for being home to the...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of Christmas Eve, here is today's festive friday fun fact! Did you know that... "The tradition of Christmas trees goes all the way back to ancient Egyptians and...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Maple Syrup Day, here is today's sweet fun fact! Did you know that... "It takes 40 gallons of syrup to make one gallon of syrup. To put that in...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of Dewey Decimal System Day, here is today's fun fact! Did you know that... "The Dewey Decimal System is the most used library classification system, with the...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Bartender Day, let's raise a toast to today's fun fact! Did you know that... "Jerry Thomas (1830-1885) was not the first barkeep in America, but he was...
Fun Fact Friday
In honour of National Cake Day, here is a scrumptious fun fact! Did you know that... "...the ancient Greeks used flour mixed with eggs, milk, nuts, and honey and made what...