CARS Member Workshop May 5th-Reminder

Reminder to register for CARS’ Workshop featuring speakers from CAI,

PNC and ECE Global

Where: Novotel Toronto Centre | 45 The Esplanade | Toronto, Ontario | M5E 1W2 in the Provence room.

When:  May 5th form 8:00am- 11:00am (We've organized this event around TRC's luncheon to make it more convenient to attend both)


Workshop will touch on the topics below;


Expanding your Operations in the U.S. Market

Establishing or growing a business in the U.S. and selecting the right site is a complex process that requires an excellent command of technical skills, a solid grasp of market trends and the ability to envision the future of your company. This seminar is geared to walk you through an effective approach that will assist you in lowering your project costs and risks while achieving your growth objectives.

The CAI Global Group and PNC Bank invite you to draw upon their years of experience supporting SMEs establish successful cross border operating businesses. Common challenges such as evaluating workforce availability, determining if government incentive programs are maximized, what to seek in cross border banks and how to locate the right site for your business will be addressed citing successful case examples from Canadian SMEs.  

Topics of Presentation:


·     The Diagnostic – confirming your strategy

·     Financing - the role of government incentives and other financial resources to support your expansion and lower your financial risk

·     The Site Selection Process – steps involved and factors to consider

·     Resources at your disposal for a seamless transition, including workforce assistance

·     Best practices – mistakes to avoid and strategies to leverage

PNC Bank Topics:

·     Overview of Canadian vs U.S. Banks

·     Comparison of U.S. and Canadian Regulatory landscape

·     Corporate Profile of PNC Bank and its Canadian Branch

·     Cross Border Banking

·     What to seek in a Cross Border Bank


ECE Global Presentation: EN 15085 / AWS D15.1 & Bilateral Business

Rail is a significant factor in transportation systems worldwide. The effectiveness of moving people and freight by rail, particularly when one takes the fuel efficiencies and environmental benefits into account, is a compelling support for future growth.

Products are manufactured in many parts of the world, with the aim to be operated in Europe, Canada and/or the USA. Different interest groups, such as owner / operator of rail equipment, OEM, and suppliers negotiate and conference over specifications and conditions. Each party tries to benefit from past experience and to reach a cost effective and future oriented contractual agreement, while keeping legislative regulations in focus.

Amongst the most applied and recognized standards within the rail industry of welded parts are:

EN 15085 (1-5):    Railway applications - Welding of railway vehicles and components

AWS D15.1:           Railroad Welding Specification for Cars and Locomotives

Typically, North American organizations are more often familiar with AWS D15.1 than with
EN 15085. Whereas, European organizations are more often familiar with EN 15085 than with AWS D15.1.

The presentation addresses key questions, which are important to businesses that supply to both markets. For instance, what does it take, to cater to the European market, when my company is located Canada/USA? Or what applies, when my company is in Europe and sells into the USA?

ECE Global has worked with over 400 companies around the world, to either support with their compliance of requirements (contractual, specification or code), or the implementation of business goals.


Topics of Presentation:


§  Brief overview about EN 15085 / AWS D15.1

§  A “reality duet example” about a

·     European business that sold a train to the USA

·     US company that purchased equipment from a European Company

§  Q&A


Who should attend?

CEO, COO, CFO, VP Operations, VP Finance, VP Manufacturing, Controllers, General Managers, Purchasing Officers, Production Managers, VP / Director of Quality

Cost for this event is complimentary to all CARS Members and $50 per non-member. 

Please RSVP with Taisha Poulin by April 28th at  

We look forward to seeing you there.



Published on April 10, 2017