EXTENSION TO APRIL 5 of deadline for comments on Part 6 (Training) of the TDGR

The deadline for comments on Part 6 (Training) of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations is being extended to Tuesday April 5, 2016.

Help us update the requirements for training by giving us your input here: http://tc.sondages-surveys.ca/s/TDG6_2016/langeng/

Your input is important to us. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Saeed Khan at 613-991-1296 or by email at TDGRegulatoryProposal-TMDPropositionReglementaire@tc.gc.ca

Transport Canada would like your views on potential amendments to Part 6 of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.  Part 6 contains requirements for training. 

Transport Canada aims to protect and promote the safety of Canadians, while supporting the efficient and effective transportation of goods.  Our objective in proposing amendments to Part 6 of the TDGR is to provide additional details and greater clarity, thereby enhancing compliance and strengthening safety in the transport of dangerous goods.

Transport Canada has developed a number of options for potential amendments that may help in meeting these objectives.  These options are described in three/four short discussion papers, attached to this e-mail.  Note that while these options are under consideration, others may also be considered depending on your feedback.  However, the final proposed amendments to the regulations may not include all of these options.  We ask that you review these papers, and provide your feedback through the online questionnaire, using the following link:




The deadline for providing comments on these discussion papers is March 22, 2016.


The four discussion papers cover the following topics:

  1. Developing a framework for a modern TDG Training      Regime
  2. Competency-Based Training and Assessment
  3. Standardized Curricula and Tests
  4. Certification and Accreditations


Comments received will be considered in the development of a white paper, which will provide greater detail on proposed amendments and would be posted on Transport Canada’s website later this year.


Should you wish to have a teleconference or a face to face meeting to discuss these proposals, or should you be experiencing problems with the online questionnaire, please contact Saeed Khan by e-mail at TDGRegulatoryProposal-TMDPropositionReglementaire@tc.gc.ca or by telephone at 613-991-1296. 


Published on March 23, 2016