Fact Friday - Remembrance Day

In honour of Remembrance Day, here is today's flashback fact!  

Did you know that...

"Considered the unsung heroes of WW1, the Canadian Railway Troops (CRT) consisted of pre-war railway workers who built and maintained the rail network to ferry supplies and men across the Western Front’s British sector. Thanks to their unparalleled expertise in rapidly building rail lines through the Canadian wilderness in peacetime, CRT troops were able to construct 2.5 miles of tracks in a 16-hour workday, including 4 bridges and 16 culverts. Their engineering prowess contributed to the final victory of British Imperial Forces, who were better supplied than their German counterparts.” (Amini, 2021)


Amini, Alexis. (2021, Nov 17th) Ten Facts About Canada’s World War One Contribution. Retrieved from NATO Assocation: https://natoassociation.ca/ten-facts-about-canadas-world-war-one-contribution/ 

Published on November 11, 2022