Did you know:
"Residents of Churchill, Canada (also known as the polar bear capital of the world), leave their cars unlocked for pedestrians who might encounter Polar Bears." (Liu, 2018)
"In a week that saw more than 50 polar bears descend on an Arctic Russian town, sauntering into people's homes, York said it's time for communities North of the 60th parallel to start preparing for the same. He points to Churchill as a good example of how to coexist with polar bears. The town — which is called the polar bear capital of the world — has developed certain strategies to minimize the conflicts between the bears and the residents. In the early 2000s, they closed their open-air dump, so polar bears wouldn't have any reward if they strolled into town." (CBC Radio, 2019)
CBC Radio. (2019, February 15). Manitoba town learns to coexist with polar bears, thanks to radar and unlocked car doors. Retrieved from CBC: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/day6/episode-429-snc-lavalin-s-lobbying-professional-axe-throwing-virtual-real-estate-lorena-bobbitt-and-more-1.5019261/manitoba-town-learns-to-coexist-with-polar-bears-thanks-to-radar-and-unlocked-car-doors-1.5019273
Liu, S. (2018, June 29). 24 Facts About Canada To Impress Your Friends. Retrieved from VGC International College: https://vgc.ca/blog/2018/06/29/24-facts-about-canada-to-impress-your-friends/