"The world’s most northerly sand dunes are in Athabasca Provincial Park in northwest Saskatchewan. They are 30 metres high. The Sand Hills of Saskatchewan near Moose Jaw are also a sight to see." (McAdam, 2012)
"The Great Sandhills of southwestern Saskatchewan are a unique 1,900 sq. km area of active desert-like sand dunes. Native grasses and small clumps of trees such as aspen, willow and sagebrush flank the dune formations." (Tourism Saskatchewan Canada, n.d.)
McAdam, L. (2012, June). 145 Weird, Fun and Interesting Facts About Canada. Retrieved from Hike Bike Travel: https://hikebiketravel.com/145-weird-fun-interesting-facts-canada/
Tourism Saskatchewan Canada. (n.d.). Great Sand Hills. Retrieved from Tourism Saskatchewan Canada: https://www.tourismsaskatchewan.com/listings/735/great-sand-hills#:~:text=The%20Great%20Sandhills%20of%20southwestern,sagebrush%20flank%20the%20dune%20formations.