In celebration of tomorrow's National Tooth Fairy Day here is a tooth fairy themed Fun Fact Friday!
Did you know that...
"Think the Vikings were too busy pillaging to celebrate baby teeth? In fact, the Norse Eddas—myths, verse, and poetry from 13th century Scandinavia—make reference to the tand-fé ("tooth fee"), a small payment from parent to child to recognize the other side of the milestone—when an infant's first tooth came in. The ancient poem "Grimnismal" even notes that Alfheim, the "fairy world" in Norse mythology, was given to their god Frey as a "tooth gift" in his youth. According to various sources, some Viking warriors would later wear their children’s teeth as talismans, believing they’d bestow luck and protection in battle." (Williams, 2019)
Williams, G. (2019, August 21). 13 Facts About the Tooth Fairy. Retrieved from Mental Floss: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/84393/13-toothy-facts-about-tooth-fairy