Today's Fact was submitted by member Grant Vale, so here is today's Fun Fact Friday!
Did you know that...
"In the mid-1930s, the Canadian Pacific Railway began exploring a new concept for a fast passenger train to revive interest in inter-city rail travel.
By 1935 the CPR had built air-conditioned four-car trains to be pulled by their new ‘lightweight’ 4-4-4 F2 locomotive series, numbered 3000 to 3004.
In July 1936, the first of the F2 Jubilees rolled out of the Montreal Locomotive Works, which would cease building engines during the war to become a builder of Ram tanks, and Sexton self-propelled gun." (Montgomery, 2020)
Montgomery, M. (2020, September 18). Canada History: Sept. 18, 1936 – The fastest steam locomotive. Retrieved from Radio Canada International: https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2020/09/18/canada-history-sep-18-1936-the-fastest-steam-locomotive/