Proposed Locomotive Emissions Regulations reduce air pollutants

June 17, 2016 – Ottawa – Transport Canada

The Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, today announced that the Government of Canada will publish proposed Locomotive Emissions Regulations in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on June 18, 2016 to limit air pollution.

For the first time, the Government of Canada will regulate air pollutant emissions from locomotives. The proposed regulations are being developed under theRailway Safety Act and will improve health and the environment. The proposed changes would limit harmful air pollutant emissions, also known as criteria air contaminants, from locomotives operated by railway companies under federal jurisdiction through increasingly stringent emission standards and reduced idling. The emission standards set out in these proposed regulations will also align with those of the United States which will improve the efficiency of the transportation system and advance green technologies.

The Government of Canada has already taken action to reduce emissions from light- and heavy-duty vehicles. Canada has also moved forward with regulations to implement the North American Emission Control Area which will reduce emissions of key air pollutants from ships, and the adoption of more stringent nitrogen oxides emission standards for aircraft.

The proposed regulations support the Government of Canada’s efforts to transition to a greener transportation sector. Canada and the U.S. are also working together on approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from locomotives under the Canada-U.S. Regulatory Cooperation Council.


"Aligning locomotive emission standards with the U.S. will provide regulatory certainty for the rail industry and improve the efficiency of the North American transportation system. Most importantly, these regulations will lead to environmental benefits that protect the health of Canadians and advance green technologies."
The Honourable Marc Garneau
Minister of Transport

Quick Facts

  • Stakeholders and the public will have until September 15, 2016, to provide feedback.
  • After considering all comments received, Transport Canada will finalize the regulations and publish them in the Canada Gazette, Part II.

Published on June 20, 2016