The Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers Bi-weekly report of Federal and Provincial Government developments

The Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers Bi-weekly report of Federal and Provincial Government developments

Published on December 5, 2016

Federal Government Developments (Departments and Regulations)

  • ·         On November 29, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he will host a First Ministers’ Meeting (FMM) and a meeting with First Nations, Inuit, and Metis leaders on December 9, in Ottawa, Ontairo.  First Ministers will work to finalize the Canadian framework on clean growth and climate change, and confirm the steps that need to be taken to implement it.
  • ·         On November 25, the Government posted Regulations Amending the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (International Harmonization Update, 2016)in the Canada Gazette.  This amendment has several objectives: harmonizer the TDGR with international regulatory requirements; introduce ambulatory references for the international codes incorporated in the TDGR; and reducing regulatory barriers to cross-border trade with the United States by formally recognizing aspects of the US regulatory regime and by increasing reciprocity of regulatory requirements for pressure receptacles.
  • ·         On December 2, the Government issued a release celebrating the event of the first light rail vehicle assembled in Ottawa beginning testing.

Federal Parliamentary Developments (House of Commons)

The House of Commons returned on Monday, September 19, 2016.

  • ·         On November 22, the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructures and Communities (TRAN) met to resume its study of certain provisions of the Fair Rail for Grain Farmers Act.  As this meeting was in camera, no transcripts are available.  However, minutes of proceedings indicated that the Committee proceeded to give drafting instructions to the analysts for a report. 
  • ·         On November 23 during Adjournment Proceedings in the House of Commons, Robert Aubin (NDP) raised the issue of the Belledune project.  Aubin called on the federal government to require railway companies to disclose the nature of the dangerous goods that are being carried across municipalities, not after the fact but in an annual report.  The official transcript was provided to you on November 24.
  • ·         On November 24, Bill C-322, An Act to amend the Railway Safety Act (roadway crossings) was introduced ad read for the first time in the House of Commons.  This enactment seeks to amend the Railway Safety Act to authorize the Minister of Transport to construct a road crossing and to authorize the payment of a grant for that purpose. The text to the bill can be found here.

Federal Parliamentary Developments (Senate)

The Senate returned on Tuesday, September 27, 2016.

  • ·         Bill S-229, An Act respecting underground infrastructure safety, was debated at Second Reading in the Senate on November 29.  The official transcript of the debate can be found here.

Provincial Government Developments

  • ·         On November 21, the Government of Nova Scotia announced it had reached an agreement-in-principle with the federal government that will build upon the province’s position as a leader in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  The agreement will allow Nova Scotia to develop a Nova Scotia approach that recognizes the province’s leadership on reducing GHGs.
  • ·         On November 21, the Government of Manitoba delivered the Speech from the Throne.  There was no mention of transportation (or rail more specifically).  However, there were a number of comments on infrastructure more generally, as well as mention of support for the manufacturing industry.
  • ·         On November 23, Ontario Minister of Transportation, Steven Del Duca, released a statement on oversight and accountability at Metrolinx. 
  • ·         On November 24, the Government of Ontario announced it is improving the Union Station GO rail corridor to better manage congestion and increase services.  The improvements include an upgrade and expansion of the Don Yard facility to provide additional train storage and train servicing capabilities.
  • ·         On November 29 in Quebec, Manon Masse, MP, asked Transport Minister Laurent Lessard to respond positively to the request to return services of the Gasepe railways company, which would revive the transportation of goods by rail in the area and promote regional economic development.
  • ·         On November 29, the Government of Saskatchewan proclaimed November 28 to December 2, 2016, as Manufacturing Week in Saskatchewan.  The release highlighted incentives offered by the Government to the manufacturing sector, such as provincial tax exemptions on machinery and equipment.
  • ·         On November 30, the 2016 Report of the Office of the Auditor General of Ontario was tabled.  Volume 1 includes a section on Environmental Approvals, with examples of LRT projects where a social cost of carbon has been applied, in addition to a section on Metrolinx-Public Transit Construction Contract Awarding and Oversight.  Volume 2 includes a section on Infrastructure Ontario, but there are no notable items of interest.
  • ·         In the November 30 edition of the Alberta Gazette Part II, the Government posted Alberta Regulation 175/2016 of the Climate Leadership Regulation, entitled Climate Leadership Regulation.  This regulation includes a number of items of interest, including the following: a recipient that operates a railway locomotive in Alberta shall keep records to support all matters reported for the purposes of the Act; and a carbon levy on locomotive diesel, payable at the time the fuel is used.


Sitting Legislatures

  • ·         Sitting Legislatures:
    - Ontario: September 12
  • ·         - House of Commons: September 19
    - Quebec: September 20
    - Senate on September 27
    - Manitoba: October 3
    - North West Territories: October 13
    - Nunavut: October 19
    - Saskatchewan: October 19
    - Nunavut: October 19
    - Alberta: October 31
    - Newfoundland and Labrador: November 19
    - New Brunswick: November 2
    - PEI: November 15
    - Manitoba
  • ·         Upcoming returns:
    - British Columbia: scheduled to return the second Tuesday in February 2017, or before at the pleasure of the Government
    - Nova Scotia: TBD
    - Yukon: TBD

Pre-Budget Consultations

  • ·         Federal: Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2017 Budget closed on Friday, August 6, 2016.  On September 9, the House Finance Committee announced the Committee’s hearing schedule in advance of the 2017 federal budget.  Submissions are now available, and can be found here.
  • ·         Ontario: On November 21, the Province launched Budget Talks, an online consultation tool that allows the public to help shape policies and programs that will be part of Ontario’s future.  “Invest in community infrastructure projects” is one of the eight focus areas outline.  Further details can be found here.

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