CARS National Railway Day 2023
National Railway Day 2023 occurred on November 6-7, 2023, at the Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa, Ontario.
The Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers (CARS) extends heartfelt gratitude for the vibrant participation during this year's spectacular event.
All attendees added tremendous value to an event brimming with insightful sessions, engaging discussions, and connections that matter.
We trust all who attended found the experience as enriching as we orchestrated it.
A resounding congratulations once again to our distinguished award winners, underscoring the exceptional talent and commitment within our railway community:
Lifetime Achievement Award: Randy Pocrnick
Diversity Award: The Greenbrier Companies
Innovation Award: Holland LP
Safety Award: Veronneau Solutions
Thank you once again for being an integral part of National Railway Day 2023.
We eagerly look forward to your presence at future events. Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback.
SAVE THE DATE for National Railway Day 2024!
Join us on the tracks leading to Winnipeg, Manitoba, on November 7-8th, 2024!
NRD24 promises the return of our Tradeshow and the exciting Innovation Zone - Member Presentations!
Mark your calendars, and let's connect in Winnipeg to explore the fascinating world of railways together!
Stay tuned for updates: https://railwaysuppliers.ca/events/nrd24
Have questions?
Connect with the team at NRD@railwaysuppliers.ca
Thank you to the NRD2023 Committee for their assistance and dedication to making
National Railway Day 2023 even more impressive than the last.
Speakers / Panelists
Mario Peloquin
Mario Péloquin was appointed as President and Chief Executive Officer of VIA Rail in June 2023 and brings over 35 years of experience in the railway industry to his new role. His career trajectory started as an operator and then a rail traffic controller before he rose to hold senior roles focused on rail safety at Transport Canada and the Transportation Safety Board. Mr. Péloquin then transitioned into executive positions with global leaders such as Siemens Mobility, Aecom, Thales Canada, and the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, leading significant and transformative transportation projects.
Before joining VIA Rail, he held the position of Executive Vice-President, Major Projects for the Paris-based Keolis Group. Mr. Péloquin believes profoundly that effective public transit is the key to solving many societal issues. His extensive experience and commitment to safety, operational efficiency, and innovative technology position him well to lead VIA Rail into a new era of innovation and operational excellence.
Mr. Péloquin holds an MBA from the Université du Québec à Montréal. He has also served on the boards of the Canadian Consortium for Urban Transportation Research and Innovation (CUTRIC), the Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers (CARS), the Toronto Railway Club and the Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA).
Mario Péloquin a été nommé président et chef de la direction de VIA Rail en juin 2023 et apporte à son nouveau rôle plus de 35 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie ferroviaire. Il a commencé sa carrière en tant qu'opérateur, puis comme contrôleur de la circulation ferroviaire, avant de gravir les échelons et d'occuper des postes à responsabilité dans le domaine de la sécurité ferroviaire au sein de Transports Canada et du Bureau de la sécurité des transports. M. Péloquin a ensuite occupé des postes de direction auprès de chefs de file mondiaux tels que Siemens Mobility, Aecom, Thales Canada et la New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, où il a dirigé des projets importants et transformateurs. Avant de se joindre à VIA Rail, il a occupé le poste de vice-président exécutif, projets majeurs, au sein du groupe Keolis, basé à Paris. M. Péloquin est profondément convaincu qu'un transport public efficace est la clé de la résolution de nombreux problèmes de société. Sa vaste expérience et son engagement à l'égard de la sécurité, de l'efficacité opérationnelle et de la technologie novatrice le placent en bonne position pour mener VIA Rail vers une nouvelle ère d'innovation et d'excellence opérationnelle.
Péloquin est titulaire d'un MBA de l'Université du Québec à Montréal. Il a également siégé aux conseils d'administration du Consortium canadien pour la recherche et l'innovation dans les transports urbains (CUTRIC), de l'Association canadienne des fournisseurs de chemins de fer (ACFCF), du Toronto Railway Club et de l'Association canadienne du transport urbain (ACTU).
Paul-Emile McNab
Paul-Emile has been active in the fields of Research, Consulting, Fundraising and Business Development for the past fifteen years. In 2007, he completed his honours degree in History, Political Science and Canadian Studies at the University of Toronto.
In 2010, he completed his Masters in Environmental Studies at York University, with a focus on Indigenous knowledge and a major research paper titled: The Traditional Rights of Ways on the Walpole Island First Nation. He has served as a member of the Research Advisory Committee with the Canadian Energy Research Institute, the Chair of the National Advisory Committee with ORIGIN Inc. and the current President and Chair of the Board of Directors for Aboriginal Legal Services.
In his spare time, he is an avid follower of both sports and business.
Martin Imbleau
***French will follow***
Martin Imbleau brings exceptional leadership skills to VIA HFR – VIA TGF Inc., and has considerable expertise in delivering large, complex greenfield infrastructure projects. His robust experience with various stakeholders, Indigenous communities, domestic and international partners, business people, governments at all levels, and a wide spectrum of experts is invaluable to the High Frequency Rail project.
Prior to joining VIA HFR – VIA TGF Inc., Mr. Imbleau was President and Chief Executive Officer of the Montreal Port Authority, where he advanced the port’s public service status as a major economic engine and a recognized leader in environmental and sustainable development.
Previously at Hydro-Québec, he led as a Vice-President the corporate strategy and development in Quebec, neighboring provinces and in the USA including the development of major energy transportation infrastructure projects. Earlier he served Énergir, formerly known as Gaz Métro, a leading energy provider in Quebec and in the USA. Mr. Imbleau’s vice-presidential roles spanned business development, renewable energy, community relations, corporate strategy, safety, operations, major projects, gas supply and transportation.
Martin Imbleau holds a master’s in law from Université de Montréal and a bachelor’s in law from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). He was called to the Barreau du Québec in 1997. While working in developing major infrastructure, Mr. Imbleau pursued his international human rights involvement as an author of numerous works on international human rights law, genocide, and transitional justice.
Mr. Imbleau chairs the Board of Directors of the Raoul-Dandurand Chair in Strategic and Diplomatic Studies at UQAM. He co-founded the Chair in Energy Sector Management at HEC Montréal, the business school attached to the Université de Montréal.
Martin Imbleau apporte à VIA HFR – VIA TGF Inc. des compétences exceptionnelles en matière de leadership et possède une grande expertise dans la réalisation d’importants projets d’infrastructures complexes dans des zones vertes. Il bénéficie également d’une expérience solide avec différents intervenants, les communautés autochtones, les partenaires nationaux et internationaux, les dirigeants d’entreprises, les gouvernements à tous les niveaux et un large éventail d’experts, ce qui s’avère un atout précieux dans le cadre du projet de train à grande fréquence.
Avant de rejoindre VIA HFR – VIA TGF Inc., M. Imbleau était président-directeur général de l’Administration portuaire de Montréal, où il a su faire passer l’entreprise du statut de service public à un moteur économique majeur et chef de file reconnu dans le domaine de l’environnement et du développement durable.
Auparavant, à Hydro-Québec, il occupait un poste de vice-président et dirigeait la stratégie et le développement de l’entreprise au Québec, dans les provinces voisines et aux États-Unis, y compris le développement de grands projets d’infrastructure de transport d’énergie. Il a également travaillé pour Énergir, anciennement connu sous le nom de Gaz Métro, un fournisseur d’énergie de premier plan au Québec et aux États-Unis. Ses fonctions de vice-président couvraient le développement commercial, les énergies renouvelables, les relations avec les communautés, la stratégie d’entreprise, la sécurité, les opérations, les projets importants, l’approvisionnement en gaz et le transport.
Martin Imbleau est titulaire d’une maîtrise en droit de l’Université de Montréal et d’un baccalauréat en droit de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Il a été admis au Barreau du Québec en 1997. Tout en travaillant au développement d’infrastructures majeures, M. Imbleau a poursuivi son engagement international pour la défense des droits de la personne. Il est également l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur le droit international en matière de droits de la personne, les génocides et la justice transitionnelle.
M. Imbleau préside le conseil d’administration de la Chaire Raoul-Dandurand en études stratégiques et diplomatiques de l’UQAM. Il a cofondé la Chaire de gestion du secteur de l’énergie à HEC Montréal, l’école de commerce rattachée à l’Université de Montréal.
Matthew Krech
Matt Krech is the Chief Engineer of Rail and Aviation Research, Development and Demonstration at the Innovation Centre of Transport Canada where he leads a multidisciplinary team of over 10 engineers and analysts on a research portfolio that spans de-icing technology and cold weather performance to advanced inspection technologies and AI, to geohazards monitoring, to alternative energy propulsion technologies. Matt is a Canadian patent owner and has spent over a decade in various engineering fields and in the private and public sector, working on pharmaceuticals manufacturing, mining and metallurgy, electricity generation, environmental programs, Transportation of Dangerous goods, and connected and automated vehicle research. Matt graduated from the Biotechnology program at the University of Ottawa with degrees in Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering.
Albert Wahba, P.Eng., M.A.Sc., PMP
Mr. Wahba is the Program Leader for the Resilient Ground Transportation (RGT) program at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). With an annual program budget of $8M, Mr. Wahba oversees the research, development, testing and evaluation (RDT&E) of ground transportation solutions, focusing on improving the safety, efficiency and connectivity of road, off-road and rail transportation.
Since Joining NRC in 2006, Mr. Wahba has played several roles where he led full-scale R&D activities that aimed to enhance the design and mechanical integrity of freight and passenger railcars, as well as to evaluate track and subgrade conditions.
Mr. Wahba holds a Bachelor degree of computer engineering from Banha University, Egypt and Masters of Applied Science degree from Carleton University, Canada. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Ontario, Canada.
Mr. Wahba is an active member of several railway technical committees; a member of the Transport Canada’s Railway Research Advisory Board (RRAB) of Canada, a member of the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA), and a member of the Railroad Operating Technologies Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB).
Carmen Tanabe
Director Enablement, Supporting Services & Transportation, Procurement & Supply Management
Carmen Tanabe
Carmen Tanabe is a Director in Procurement at Canadian National Railway (CN) in Montreal. She is responsible for Categories Fuel and Operations, as well as Corporate Services. Her responsibilities also include Enablement and Supporting Services which include Procurement Operations, Asset Sales, Governance and Compliance, Supplier Risk Management, Procurement Technology, Performance and Self-Serve Analytics, and Sustainable Procurement.
Carmen began working at CN over 25 years ago as part of a Corporate University Recruitment Program and has held positions of increasing responsibility mainly in Procurement. Carmen has a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Science from the National University of Engineering in Peru, and a Master of Business Administration from Concordia University in Montreal.
Melanie Allaire
Mélanie Allaire joined CN in 2011 and is currently Head of Indigenous Relations. In this role she is responsible for building the CN Indigenous Relations Team and leading it to proactively engage with Indigenous communities, implementing the CN Indigenous Vision, developing the company’s first Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan in collaboration with CN executives, and overseeing its implementation.
Prior to her current position, Mélanie was Senior Counsel at CN and provided advice on construction projects, incidents and maintenance work, offered territory knowledge and assisted CN employees across the network with Indigenous community relations. She was responsible for the implementation of CN’s first-ever Indigenous Vision and Strategy and has received awards for developing in 2014 the Cultural Awareness Training for CN employees.
Prior to joining CN, Mélanie worked in private practice at Stikeman Elliott, before joining the legal department of an international pulp and paper company in 2001.
Mélanie was called to the Quebec Bar in 1999, completing her Law degree at the Université de Montréal, where she was recognized for her many achievements and honoured with awards for academic excellence. A trusted advisor and strong communicator, Mélanie leads in exemplary fashion to deliver results.
Since 2018, Mélanie has sat on the Board of Directors of Chez Doris, a women’s shelter in Montreal, of which she became Vice-President in 2022.
Mélanie Allaire s'est jointe au CN en 2011 et elle occupe actuellement le poste de Cheffe aux relations autochtones. À ce titre, elle est chargée de mettre sur pied l'équipe des relations avec les autochtones du CN qui veillera à engager de façon proactive les communautés autochtones, de mettre en œuvre la vision autochtone du CN, d'élaborer et mettre en œuvre le premier plan d'action de réconciliation avec les autochtones de l'entreprise en collaboration avec les dirigeants du CN.
Avant d'occuper son poste actuel, Mélanie était avocate principale au CN et fournissait des conseils sur les projets de construction, les incidents et les travaux d'entretien, offrait une connaissance du territoire et aidait les employés du CN dans l'ensemble du réseau à entretenir des relations avec les communautés autochtones. Elle était responsable de la mise en œuvre de la toute première vision et stratégie autochtone du CN et son équipe et elle ont reçu des prix pour avoir développé en 2014 la formation de sensibilisation culturelle pour les employés du CN.
Au début de sa carrière, Mélanie a travaillé en pratique privée chez Stikeman Elliott, avant de se joindre au service juridique d'une société internationale de pâtes et papiers en 2001
Mélanie a été admise au Barreau du Québec en 1999, après avoir obtenu son diplôme de droit à l'Université de Montréal, où elle a été reconnue pour ses nombreuses réalisations et a reçu des prix d'excellence académique. Conseillère de confiance et grande communicatrice, Mélanie dirige de façon exemplaire pour obtenir des résultats.
Depuis 2018, Mélanie siège au conseil d'administration de Chez Doris, une maison de répit pour femmes à Montréal, dont elle est devenue vice-présidente en 2022.
Erik Olson
Erik Olson is principal and chief operating officer of Venn Strategies, a DC based full service government and public affairs firm, and is the critical infrastructure group co-chair. As part of his work at Venn, he also serves as the Executive Director of the Rail Security Alliance, which consists of North American rail suppliers and exists to promote policies and laws that protect the economic and national security of the North American rail system.
He previously spent 14 years serving as Chief of Staff and in a variety of policy and campaign roles for Representative Ron Kind (D-WI), a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee and Chair of the moderate pro-business House New Democrat Coalition. Erik brings years of expertise in the areas of tax, trade and health care to the Venn’s clients.
In addition to his work at Venn, Erik serves as chairman ex officio and a member of the board of directors of Horton’s Kids, a non-profit organization offering social and educational services for children in Washington, DC. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.